
See here what different companies think of our “Wellbeing@Work” services.

  • Bodart & Co


    The chair massage was very pleasant. Usually I experience massages as painful or disturbing, but this time I was completely at peace. Almost forgot I was still at work. Super satisfied with this chair massage. It was a new experience that exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed it immensely. Worth repeating! Relaxing music, nice fragrance, professional reception and massage, it could have been a bit longer…

  • Entso-E


    Koen, Els and Annabel were very kind and professional when it came to the wellbeing sessions. It all started with introduction of what could be expected from the activities, duration, techniques to be used and all other logistics of the sessions. It was a smooth process even though remotely. Els and Annabel made sure we could follow breathing and yoga exercises in such a way that we will enjoy. Different exercises that could be done alone to refresh the mind and body were taught during the sessions. It was nice to learn that even if you are working from home or at the office, you can do these simple activities on your own.

    Out of all the sessions, colleagues enjoyed the Chair Yoga and the Yoga as they both comprise of movements that lead to waking up the body and mind. There were stances tailor-made to target specific body parts, so it was a treat for people who have pain especially on their neck, back and shoulders. It was a very wonderful duration of 5 months with one session per week. Hopefully once allowed, we could do physical sessions. 😊

  • Altius


    Last week, in the light of World Mental Health Day, we were taught how to sleep better during an online workshop organized by Wellness for Business.

    Sleep is one of the 3 pillars of good health, in addition to food and exercise. It is the gateway to our performance during the day. It was a real eye opener.
    A big thank you for the very interesting presentation and explanation!

  • Accor Hotels


    J’avais peu d’attentes mais j’ai vite été conquise ! Le massage ass is a été très efficace, et j’ai sentit qu’il était adapté pour soulager des muscles spécifiques (liés à une position assise régulière).

    Ce n’était juste un massage pour se relaxer, mais plus en profondeur, ce qui était une très bonne chose.

    Je sais que ça a soulage certains de mes collègues avec leur mal de dos/cervicales.

  • Liquidpower LSPI


    The course Digital Detox exceeded my expectations, I will be able to apply most of the recommendations to my daily life.

    Very helpful regarding awareness on how much we use our cells. I will try to use these tips which help me to organize cell time better.

    Interesting session with some real eye openers. Good balance between theory and interaction.

  • Claeys & Engels


    Le bien-être au travail est essential, même en période de télétravail. Chez Claeys & Engels, nous y attachons beaucoup d’importance. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons lancé le projet « Boost !@Claeys & Engels » constitué de plusieurs ateliers ayant pour but de booster l’énergie de nos avocats et des membres de notre staff. Nous avons profité d’une session de Yoga sur chaise pour renforcer notre posture grâce à des exercices simples.


  • IMDC


    IMDC invited Wellness for Business to give an ergonomics training ‘ Lifting and handling ‘ for its survey team to avoid back problems.

    A critical view of our work organization can already make a big difference.

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