Below is an overview of scientific research into the effect of chair massage. The conclusion? All these studies clearly show the positive effect of chair massages .
29% increase in freedom of movement
Various stress and pain complaints decrease by 10 %-40%
Employees felt less tired and could think more clearly
EEG tests showed that one became alert
Math problems were solved faster and 50% fewer mistakes were made
The voltage level dropped
Employees were more relaxed, which also improved the working atmosphere
Improving mood
Reduction of tension and pain complaints
Increase in general feeling of relaxation
The psychological fatigue decreased
Complaints to the musculoskeletal system decreased
63% of participants notice a decrease in RSI complaints
The level of complaints decreases on average by 52%
67% of people notice a decrease in tension complaints
All RSI complaints have disappeared in 30.4% of the participants
79.9% notice an increase in concentration
87.5% notice a decrease in tension complaints